How to Target Gmail with Google AdWords

There’s a lot of buzz right now about a new info product that reveals a secret “backdoor” into Google advertising. The secret allows you to specifically target your ads to appear in Gmail. The idea is that while the search volume is lower for Gmail, it is highly targeted traffic and will convert at a higher rate.

The $97 info product is by Ryan Deiss and is available at (not an affiliate link) if you’re interested.

If you’d like to know how to make your ads appear in Gmail without spending $97, check out this YouTube video posted by Austin Lau, an Agency Media Planner at Google.

I watched the GmailMindTricks intro video but have not purchased the product. Ryan is a reputable internet marketer. Presumably the $97 product includes more than what is on the above YouTube video.

In either case, I thought the info contained in the YouTube video was worth sharing.

Have you had your ads appear in Gmail before? What has been your experience compare to “regular” AdWords?